Today's Heating Oil Price


per gallon


Payment Options

  1. Cash/Check (COD)
  2. Automatic Payment Plan: Payments are automatically charged to your credit card. No more worrying about due dates or late fees. Automatic payments are our best and most convenient way to pay for your oil deliveries and/or HVAC services.
  3. Pay Online  Credit Cards Accepted Once you have your invoice, you can make a Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express payment instantly, 24/7.  Click here to pay your bill online
  4. Annual Service Plans

American Fuels, LLC

American Fuels, LLC
2052 Lucon Road
P.O. Box 196
Skippack, PA 19474

Phone: 610.222.3569
Fax: 610.584.5059

Hours: 7:30AM - 4PM

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